Measures when sitting for long periods

Too much sitting, irrespective of whether it is in an office or just for leisure, can cause problems like aches and pains in the back, the neck or the hip. Especially sitting with shoulders turned forward, a rounded back and the neck recking forward can be harmful. Of course, we cannot fully avoid sitting, for example in a meeting or when driving a car, but we can incorporate some measures that counteract the effects of wrong posture and too much sitting:

Everybody is responsible for the first measures. For the last few suggestions I will soon offer a live video workout, that can be done during your lunch break – no equipment necessary, no sweating. ‘Fit during the break’ will guide you to good posture, will strengthen your muscles that support your spine and will mobilise your joints so that aches and pains will be a thing of the past!

In the next article I will give you some suggestions for mobilisation so that you can start immediately!

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